50+ Best Leonardo AI Prompts With Examples and Tips

Leonardo AI Prompts

Leonardo AI prompts make image creation easier, but picking the right words can be hard for users.

To help maximize its power, we’ve made a guide for creating effective prompts for Leonardo AI.

This guide covers creating 50+ Leonardo AI prompts to show off great results with its advanced technology.

What Is Leonardo AI? 

What Is Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is an advanced platform for creating intricate AI-generated art, offering various styles to explore endless creative options.

In Leonardo’s AI, each art model creates unique AI images with its own special style.

When you pick a model, this AI helps you make art that matches its style. Leonardo AI means: Easily try out various styles!

It’s great at making realistic 3D photos with prompts for different styles and themes like portraits, mythical creatures, and futuristic landscapes.

You can tweak Leonardo AI prompts, keywords, art styles, lighting, and more to match your creative vision.

Also Read: Leonardo AI V/S Midjourney

What Is a Prompt for Leonardo AI?

In our guide, we explore crafting the best prompts for AI art thoroughly.

Our journey starts by looking closely at what makes a good prompt, breaking down its important parts.

We study how language works and why it’s crucial to be clear and precise when talking to AI.

Going beyond basics, we’ll show real examples of how well-crafted prompts lead to impressive results.

These Leonardo AI prompt guide examples show how AI can understand complex instructions and be used creatively in various practical ways.

During this study, we stress how well Leonardo AI image prompt can significantly improve AI-generated outcomes.

In the end, readers will fully understand prompt engineering and be ready to use it effectively in their fields.

Why Use Leonardo AI Prompts?

Creating great AI images depends on expressing your creative ideas clearly with good prompts.

To get the most out of AI image Generators, make sure your prompts are creative, clear, and thorough.

Prompts bridge your ideas, making sure you get what you want. Understanding how to craft them well is key to the best results.

How to Write Prompts for Leonardo AI?

How do I give AI prompts? To make AI art, begin with the right prompt. Good prompts should guide the model while letting it be creative. Here are tips for making them effective:

  • Be precise
  • Mention other art
  • Suggest a feeling 
  • Keep it open-ended

What Are the Leonardo AI Prompt Formulas?

The best prompts are clear and detailed. Prompts include lighting, styles, types, and camera angles.

The key is picking the right words and how you organize them. This tells AI what’s important when making images. Users need to know which points to mention, as not everything matters the same.

Usually, this order works well:

Subject Description + Image Type + Style + Camera View + Extras.

Also, check out free and paid prompt markets for great ideas to create amazing images.

How to Craft the Best Prompts for Leonardo AI?

To create the best Leonardo.ai prompts, prioritize and avoid repetition. Keep it short, clear, and direct for best results.

Before you start, think: What would you like your picture to deliver?

Enter Your Subject

First, know what you like. Then, type the subject or topic in the prompt bar and give a necessary description.

Focus on the subject. Use an easy word and a brief description for your visual idea.

If you like the AI to generate a picture of a Rose reaching for daylight, just tell it to focus on the “Rose”. That’s what guides the AI to draw it using the best drawing prompts.

Add a Description

Once you pick your topic, give a good description. It helps the AI understand and improve your art.

Enhance your Leonardo AI prompts with details like place, colors, and more, all related to your main subject.

Add Modifier, Textures, and Lighting

Modifiers define how your image is created, like illustration, painting, 3D rendering, digital art, etc.

Textures change how a picture looks and add its own feel to it. Different textures can evoke different feelings or stories, changing how your picture affects people.

Some textures such as Smooth, Polished, Rough, Matte, Dull, and Scaly to include for your prompts.

Use lighting to enhance your image prompts. It sets the mood and theme. Specify the type and angle of lighting for better imagery. You can include Bloom, Neon, Dramatic, Backlight, Studio Light, Dramatic, Hard Lighting, and Sunlight.

Include these modifiers and textures in your prompt, along with your subject & description.

Check the Elements’ Order

The order of your prompt matters. Put the important elements first, especially with tools such as Prompt Magic v3.

Utilize Commas and Negative Prompt

Using Commas for Clear Prompts: Commas help separate parts of your prompt, making it easier to understand, especially for longer Leonardo AI prompts.

Use negative prompts from Leonardo AI to improve your image. They help exclude certain elements from what you generate.

One tip: Instead of using negative terms directly, try Leonardo AI’s negative prompt feature for better results.

5 Important Roles to Consider Before Using Leonardo.ai Prompt Generator

It is notable to consider the following 5 points before using the Leonardo.ai prompt generator.

  • Creative Strategy: Combines diverse art styles, history, and composition methods into prompts for images that meet technical requirements and exude artistic appeal.
  • Prompt Creation: Creates a detailed prompt for Leonardo AI, including subject, image style, influences, and visual details, ensuring user visions are accurately conveyed.
  • Technical Guidelines: Provides detailed directions on camera angles, resolution, lighting, and rendering, guiding how the picture should look visually.
  • User Communication: Converts user requests into clear instructions for Leonardo AI instance prompt by understanding and refining the user’s imagination.
  • Assurance of Quality: Guarantees clear and concise prompts with all needed elements for top-quality images from Leonardo AI.

Getting Started With Leonardo AI Prompts

Let’s Get Started With Different Leonardo AI Prompts We have covered the different categories of prompts such as Art, Painting, Storytelling, Nature Inspired, Techno Inspired, And Historical Inspiration we have also mentioned the sub-category of each prompt. Ensure that you can use different prompts according to your requirements.

You can generate the different prompts by following the basic steps that we have mentioned above. There are many other categories that Leonardo AI can generate these seven are just examples.

What are some good AI prompts? Let’s Look at Some Leonardo AI  Prompts:

#1. Leonardo AI Prompt for Inspiring AI Arts

create a stylized road artwork piece that showcases the city panorama in a unique and captivating manner leonardo ai prompts
  1. “Ethereal Landscapes”: Create a virtual portrayal stimulated with the aid of the ethereal beauty of the herbal global.
  2. “Mythical Creatures”: Design a surreal artwork proposing legendary creatures from around the world.
  3. “Vibrant Blooms’: Generate colorful and colorful floral paintings that capture the splendor of nature.
  4. “Street Art”: Create a stylized road artwork piece that showcases the city panorama in a unique and captivating manner.
  5. “Surreal Skies”: Paint a surreal virtual painting offering the limitless opportunities of the sky.
  6. “Glowing Geometry”: Generate an artwork that mixes geometric shapes and vibrant colorations to create a beautiful piece.
  7. “Nature’s Fury”: Create a dramatic artwork that showcases the uncooked electricity and splendor of nature’s elements.
  8. “Techno Trees”: Design a futuristic and techno-inspired artwork providing timber and their limbs as circuit forums.
  9. “Abstract Horizons”: Generate a summary artwork that depicts the limitless possibilities of the horizon line.”
  10. “Fantastical Beings”: Create a digital painting presenting fantastical beings from mythology, folklore, or your imagination.

NOTE: These Leonardo AI Prompts are only for generating unique artwork.

#2. Leonardo AI Prompt Guide for Painting

generate an abstract portrait that depicts the complexities and beauty of a circle of relatives' relationships leonardo ai prompts
  1. “Whimsical Worlds”: Create a portrayal that takes the viewer on an adventure via a fantastic world of fantasy and marvel.
  2. “Rustic Landscapes”: Generate a portrait that captures the splendor and serenity of the herbal international in a country, rural placing.
  3. “Elegant Still Life”: Design an elegant and sophisticated still lifestyle painting that showcases the beauty of everyday objects.
  4. “Vibrant Wildlife”: Create a colorful and colorful portrait that showcases the beauty and variety of the animal country.
  5. “Ornstein’s Dream”: Generate a portrayal inspired by using the surreal and fantastical international of M.C. Escher.
  6. “Nature’s Rhythms”: Create a painting that captures the rhythms and styles of nature in all its beauty and complexity.
  7. “Mythic Meadows”: Design a painting that depicts a mythical and enchanted meadow teeming with existence and magic.
  8. “Abstract Families”: Generate an abstract portrait that depicts the complexities and beauty of a circle of relatives’ relationships.
  9. “Wild Waters”: Create a painting that showcases the electricity and beauty of wild waters, with all their texture and motion.
  10. “Garden of Earthly Delights”: Design a painting inspired by the Garden of Earthly Delights, with all its fantastical and surreal factors.

NOTE: These Leonardo AI Prompts are only for generating unique Paintings.

#3. Best Leonardo AI Prompts for Storytelling

generate a virtual portrait inspired by using the beauty and surprise of the underwater country leonardo ai prompts
  1. “The Magic of Nature”: Create a virtual tale that showcases the magic and marvel of the natural international.
  2. “The Adventures of a Young Dragon”: Design a storybook-inspired painting offering a younger dragon on a magical journey.
  3. “A Futuristic Fable”: Generate a virtual portrait that tells a futuristic delusion approximately the power of generation and innovation.
  4. “The Last Unicorn”: Create a virtual portray stimulated by way of the conventional tale of The Last Unicorn, with all its splendor and magic.
  5. “The Mystic Circus”: Design a surreal artwork offering a paranormal and magical circus that defies explanation.
  6. “The Enchanted Forest”: Generate an artwork that takes the viewer on a journey through an enchanted wooded area, filled with fantastical creatures and wonders.
  7. “The Cosmic Journey”: Create a virtual painting that depicts a cosmic journey through area and time, filled with unusual and splendid points of interest.
  8. “The Dreaming City”: Design an artwork that showcases the surreal and fantastical beauty of a city that exists simplest inside the realm of goals.
  9. “The Underwater Kingdom”: Generate a virtual portrait inspired by using the beauty and surprise of the underwater country.

NOTE: These Leonardo AI Prompts are only for generating unique Storytelling.

#4. Best Leonardo AI Prompts for Nature-Inspired

design an artwork inspired with the aid of the enchanted forests of fable and legends, with towering timber and fantastical creatures leonardo ai prompts
  1. “Blooming Landscapes”: Create a digital painting stimulated with the aid of the splendor of blooming plant life and landscapes.
  2. “Wildlife Wonderlands”: Design surreal paintings proposing a fantastical and enchanted world of wildlife.
  3. “Nature’s Rhythms”: Generate an artwork that captures the rhythms and patterns of nature in all its beauty and complexity.
  4. “Ethereal Elements”: Create a portrait that showcases the ethereal beauty of nature, with factors together with mist, fog, and light.
  5. “Garden of Eden”: Design an artwork stimulated via the Garden of Eden, with lush plant life and fantastical creatures.
  6. “Wandering Skies”: Generate a virtual painting that depicts a global of surprise and magic, with skies that seem to infinity.
  7. “Fantastical Landscapes”: Create a portrait that showcases fantastical landscapes, together with mountains, valleys, and rivers, with an otherworldly twist.
  8. “Forest Realms”: Design an artwork inspired with the aid of the enchanted forests of fable and legends, with towering timber and fantastical creatures.

NOTE: These Leonardo AI Prompts are only for generating Nature inspiration.

#5. Leonardo AI Prompt Guide for techno-Inspired

design a painting that showcases the beauty and wonder of robotics, with futuristic and fashionable machines leonardo ai prompts
  1. “Cyberpunk Cities”: Create a virtual portrait inspired by the futuristic and dystopian world of cyberpunk, with neon lighting and technological advancements.
  2. “Robotic Dreams”: Design a painting that showcases the beauty and wonder of robotics, with futuristic and fashionable machines.
  3. “Digital Realms”: Generate a portrait that depicts a world of digital surprise, with futuristic landscapes and surreal structure.
  4. “Techno Tolkien”: Create a portrait inspired with the aid of the world of J.R.R. Tolkien, with a technological twist and fantastical creatures.
  5. “Parallel Universes”: Design an artwork that showcases the splendor and complexity of parallel universes, with multiple worlds and realities.
  6. “Synthetic Symphonies”: Generate a virtual portrait inspired by the splendor of the track and the artificial sounds of the future.
  7. “Quantum Quarks”: Create a portrait that showcases the quantum world of subatomic debris, with colorful colorations and complex patterns.
  8. “Cosmic Codes”: Design paintings stimulated by way of the beauty of code and the mysteries of the universe, with elaborate patterns and interconnected loops.

NOTE: These Leonardo AI Prompts are only for generating technology artwork.

#6. Leonardo AI Prompt for Historical-Inspiration

design an artwork inspired by the aid of the ancient civilizations of egypt, greece, or rome, with sun-bleached landscapes and mythological creatures leonardo ai prompts
  1. “Medieval Majesty”: Create a virtual painting stimulated through the grandeur and opulence of medieval Europe, with complicated details and ornate structure.
  2. “Ancient Civilizations”: Design an artwork inspired by the aid of the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, or Rome, with sun-bleached landscapes and mythological creatures.
  3. “Victorian Vibes”: Generate a portrait inspired using the Victorian era, with elaborate info, ornate furnishings, and a feel of luxury and refinement.
  4. “Renaissance Revival”: Create a virtual portrait stimulated with the aid of the inventive masterpieces of the Renaissance, with colorful colors and designated brushstrokes.
  5. “Georgian Grandeur”: Design an artwork stimulated by way of the regal and elegant style of the Georgian era, with intricate info and subtle strains.
  6. “Art Nouveau Dreams”: Generate a painting stimulated with the aid of the flowing lines and natural shapes of Art Nouveau, with a feel of caprice and delusion.
  7. “Majestic Monarchs”: Create a digital painting stimulated through the grandeur and majesty of monarchs during records, with opulent garb and regal poses.
  8. “Romantic Ruins”: Design and paintings stimulated with the aid of the romanticism of the 19th century, with crumbling ruins and overgrown landscapes.

#7. Leonardo AI Prompts for Coloring Book

Before discussing Leonardo AI prompts for the coloring book, we’ll teach you how to make Leonardo AI coloring book pages.

  • On the site, go to the AI image generation > Set custom model > coloring book model from the community models to generate with.
  • Use Alchemy to improve the image. Include a Leonardo AI negative prompt to clarify exclusions. Provide the prompt for creating a coloring book page.
  • Try out various prompts and remove any negative ones to improve the results. Also, switch up the subject to discover different coloring book page choices.
  • Visit Bigjpg.com to resize images. Upload your image and choose resizing options. Select noise reduction and settings for optimal results. Lastly, download it.

Here are best Leonardo AI prompts for coloring book:

fluttering butterflies and blooming flowers will create a magical garden coloring book leonardo ai prompts
  1. “Magical Forest”: Create a magical forest scene by coloring in hidden critters and flowers.
  2. “Bustling Cityscape”: Get a glimpse of the bustling cityscape with its detailed buildings and cheerful streets.
  3. “Underwater Marine”: A vibrant marine life abounds in the magnificent underwater world.
  4. “Fairytale Castle”: The whimsical fairytale castle features detailed patterns and turrets.
  5. “Butterflies and Flowers”: Fluttering butterflies and blooming flowers will create a magical garden.
  6. “Magical Garden”: Design a magical garden, full of fluttering butterflies and blooming flowers.
  7. “Carnival”: Describe a carnival with rides, games, and a joyful crowd.

NOTE: These Leonardo AI Prompts are only for generating Historical Inspiration.

Leonardo AI Logo Prompts

Leonardo AI logo prompts differ slightly from Midjourney logo prompts. Here are:

  1. Eye-catching Neon Eagle in 3D render
  2. Elegant, Bright Neon Lion Logo
  3. Gorgeous Neon Owl Logo
  4. Pixar-style cat against a white background
  5. Bright Colors, Unusual Shape for a Logo

ChatGPT Prompt for Leonardo AI

ChatGPT Leonardo AI Prompt Maker connects users with a generative AI known as “Leonardo AI” to create images from text prompts.

This custom role for ChatGPT helps Leonardo AI create images based on user requests with detailed prompts.

Leonardo AI Negative Prompt

Giving AI a prompt is like telling a chef what dish to cook. Sometimes the chef adds too much of something.

Sometimes AI can add elements you don’t want in your image.

There’s a fix for every issue. Use some Negative Prompts to tell the AI what you don’t wish in your AI images.

It’s like asking the chef to skip certain ingredients so the dish matches your taste perfectly.

Best Negative Prompts for Leonardo AI

For better image control, try the Leonardo AI negative prompt feature.

List what you don’t like to ensure your image matches your preferences.

AI tools may struggle with unfamiliar outcomes. Check out the negative prompts for Leonardo AI to prevent errors.

  • Deformed features
  • Plastic look
  • Crossed eyes
  • Two heads
  • Weird colors
  • Morbid themes
  • Fused fingers
  • Missing limb
  • Cloned face
  • Collapsed structures

Include these words to avoid boring or unwanted results when creating your AI image.

  1. Eye-catching Neon Eagle in 3D render
  2. Elegant, Bright Neon Lion Logo
  3. Gorgeous Neon Owl Logo
  4. Pixar-style cat against a white background
  5. Bright Colors, Unusual Shape for a Logo

Leonardo AI Prompt Helper Features

Unlocking Leonardo AI’s full potential requires creativity, experimentation, and access to helpful communities.

  • Reddit Communities like r/leonardoai are places where users chat, share ideas, and get advice on prompts.
  • Online blogs, much like the ones you mentioned, offer useful resources such as tutorials, guides, and prompt collections to encourage and assist users.

Use These Best Leonardo AI Prompts

With these 50+ prompts, make amazing natural photos using powerful AI.

Creating prompts is important for making images. Remember to follow the Leonardo AI prompt guide, some tips, and how to write the prompts in detail.

Learn to make good prompts by using the Leonardo AI prompt examples and getting your imagined images to life.


What is the difference between Leonardo.ai and Midjourney?

Leonardo AI provides extensive features for customizing models, while Midjourney offers easy-to-use AI art generation based on pre-trained models.

Which AI takes image prompts?

Leonardo AI is the best AI image generator in 2024, making stunning images from images and text. It offers easy customization with many AI tools.

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