8 Best AI Answer Generator Free Tools for Interviews & Exams

best ai answer generator

You must have been looking for the best AI answer generators all over the internet, but not getting a better one.

Even if found, which one has better features, are there any limitations, and what are the price plans they offer?

We’re halfway there.

Let’s discuss these best AI answer generators and at the end of every generator, we will show you the AI generated answers.

What is an AI Answer Generator?

The AI Answer Generator gives specific answers by understanding questions without human help. Basically, it’s about understanding questions and giving detailed, accurate answers.

AI generated answers go deeper than just the basics. The best AI answer generator uses data, stats, case studies, and examples to make things clearer and easier to understand.

Our Evaluation Criteria

The best AI answer generators below have already been reviewed based on the metrics listed below.

  • Highlight features
  • Limitations
  • Our experience using the free online AI answer generator
  • Pricing
  • Final thought

What are the Best AI Answer Generators?

Here is a list of the eight best AI question answer generator free tools.

  1. LogicBalls for faster results
  2. Editpad for multiple answers
  3. Akkio is best for students
  4. Hypotenuse AI is for Job interviews
  5. AIFreeBox is best for Math problems
  6. ChatGPT for personalize answers
  7. Rytr is best for User-friendly
  8. Copilot is best for both Job Interviews and Exams

1. LogicBalls

LogicBalls makes it easy to create Q&A on many different subjects.

logicballs - best ai answer generator

It’s a fast way to create quizzes or surveys.

It’s used for learning, fun, and advertising.

LogicBalls is the Best AI answer generator for making Q&A quickly, saving time and effort.

Highlight Features

  • ✅ Accuracy
  • ✅ No Ads
  • ✅Faster Output
  • ✅ Customization
  • ✅ Quality Assurance


  • ❌ Limited features for free users

Best for

  • Job Interviews
  • Education
  • Surveys

Let’s see how it goes with us!

Our Experience Using LogicBalls

This is how its page looks.

logicballs ai answer generator page

You can write your topic up to 2000 characters.

logicballs topic upto 2000 characters

Select your Tone and language.

logicballs tones and languages

There are 14 tones and 50+ languages are available. But in the free version, you can use “Casual” and “formal” tones.

In Language, you can use 8 different languages in the free version.

In the free plan, the quality will be up to the Medium level without any storage feature.

Here’s an interview question example.

logicballs interview question

We have selected the topic and set the Tone and Language.

Look at the topic below.

Using the “Write-free” button, we generated the output.

click on write-free to generate result in logicballs best ai answer generator

Let’s see the result.

logicballs interview answer

Pretty good right?

Let’s take another example of a topic related to Math questions.

Look at the topic below.

logicballs math topic

Great output.

logicballs output for math question

LogicBalls Pricing

  • Free
  • Premium: $8.25/month
  • Business: $83.25/month

Final Thought

LogiBalls is the top AI question answer generator with features for everyone.

LogicBalls is the best free AI answer generator because it’s easy to use and gives quick results. It’s perfect for students and anyone seeking interview answers without much hassle or expense.

2. Editpad

Another one of the best AI answer generators is Editpad which is a free tool that swiftly creates precise answers using advanced language models.

editpad - one of the best ai answer generators

Highlight Features

  • ✅ 3-5 Outputs
  • ✅ Easy-to-use
  • ✅ 100% free


  • ❌ Ads
  • ❌ Slow output
  • ❌ One language (English)

Best for

  • Job interviews
  • Students

Our Experience Using Editpad

This page has many ads that some users may not like.

editpad ai answer generator page contain ads

Once you click on the site, you will land on the generator page.

Editpad is very simple to use. You just need to write your Topic and select the Tone. Lastly, click on “Generate Answer” to show your answers.

select editpad topic, tone, and click generate answer option

The most important thing to determine is whether it accurately answers exam and interview questions. Let’s find out.

Look at the interview topic below:

editpad interview question

We set the tone to Casual.

Then, we selected the “Generate answer” option.

The result surprised us. 

You can see five different answers and options to copy or download options. This helps you select your preferred answer.

various job interview answer from editpad best ai answer generator

Every answer is less than 200 characters.

Next, the Physics topic is “Can light bend around corners?

Excellent output.

various physics question answer from editpad best ai answer generator

When we first generated the answer, it took around 10 seconds. The next time, it took around 1 minute to generate. The output is slow.

What we didn’t like is its limited features. Only English language to use.

Editpad Pricing

  • Free

Final Thought

We adore Editpad’s AI answer generator. Its diverse outputs are the most impressive AI use we’ve seen.

It’s slow and contains ads, but surprisingly accurate and impressive.

3. Akkio

This AI tool gives quick and complete answers to any question you ask.

akkio - ai answer generator

Akkio uses LLM to understand your questions and give clear answers.

It’s a fantastic tool for anyone needing fast, dependable info, perfect for students.

Highlight Features

  • ✅ No Ads
  • ✅ 100% free
  • ✅ Output is good


  • ❌ No tones and languages

Best for

  • Students

Our Experience Using Akkio

Look at Akkio’s generator page.

akkio's ai answer generator page

Here, you can’t select tones and languages.

Only input your question and get your answer.

Let’s get started with Akkio.

Look at the interview topic below:

akkio interview question

Click on “Answer the Question“.

click on answer the question - akkio one of the best ai answer generators

Look at the answer.

akkio interview answer

Not bad!

Look at the math topic below:

Here is the answer.

akkio math answer

Akkio Pricing

  • Free

Final Thought

The output of this free AI answer generator is good but this AI will be suitable for education but not for interviews. The reason is the answer.

The answers are not up to the mark for interviews. You also can’t set the tone which is helpful for job interviews.

And anyone can read and tell that this has been written with AI. The human touch is missing.

Other than that, it is a free tool. No ads. Great!

4. Hypotenuse AI

The Hypotenuse AI quickly gives correct answers.

Highlight Features

  • ✅ User-friendly
  • ✅ Extensive features
  • ✅ Best for job interviews


  • ✅ 7 days free
  • ✅ Learning curve

Our Experience Using Hypotenuse AI

Click on the “Try it free” option.

click try for free in hypotenuse - one of the best ai answer generators

You must sign up there.

signup in hypotenuse ai

Now, on the following page, you can see the generator page.

hypotenuse ai answer generator page

Let’s do it quickly. Select the “Improve” option, input the interview topic, set the tone to “Conversational“, and click on “Generate“.

The result impressed us.

hypotenuse interview answer

Now, let’s add a Math question.

hypotenuse ai math question

Look at the answer. This is a completely wrong answer. Quite funny though.

hypotenuse math question answer

Hypotenuse Pricing

  • Free

Final Thought

Just to clarify, the Hypotenuse AI answer generator is designed specifically for job interviews and is not intended for students or educational purposes.

Also, it is somewhere complex to use.

However, we appreciate the responses regarding job interviews.

5. AIFreeBox

The AIFreeBox uses smart algorithms to understand questions well and give accurate, relevant responses.

aifreebox - one of the best ai answer generators

Give clear, brief questions with all the details you can. Also, use specific words related to your question to get better answers.

Highlight Features

  • 100% free with no ads
  • More features than other AI question answer generator
  • Long-form content


  • Not for job interviews

Best for

  • Students

Our Experience Using AIFreeBox

You can also use this AIFreeBox AI answer generator with no sign-up.

Paste your question. Select a tone and choose the language.

Here you can select from various tones and languages. All are free.

input question, tone, language, creativity level in aifreebox

There is another feature which is “Creativity level”. You can increase your creativity level up to 10.

Look at the interview question below:

We changed our tone to “Friendly” and We set the creativity level to 5.

set to friendly and creativity level to 5

The answer surprised us. Just because this AI did not understand what we were saying. So, we again input our question with emphasis.

interview question answer in aifreebox

The result is kind of unique. Not a straight answer but guides you through something.

emphasize interview question is aifreebox - one of the best ai answer generators
aifreebox interview question answer

Let’s try the Math question.

aifreebox math question

Let’s see if this can tell the correct answer or not.

Yes, the answer is correct.

math answer in aifreebox

You can also report a bug if you find any.

report bug in aifreebox - one of the best ai answer generators

AIFreeBox Pricing

  • Free

Final Thought

AIFreebox is the best AI answer generator for students because the results not only show you the answer but also elaborate the answer in a better way.

Maybe because of their Creativity level feature, we got the answers better.

However, we didn’t like the interview answers even after setting the bar higher for the Creativity level feature.

Now, the last three AI question answer generators are super popular and easy to use. So, we are not going into details. You can check them by visiting their websites.

Other Best AI Answer Generators

  1. ChatGPT
  2. Rytr
  3. Copilot

What Are the Pain Points of Q&A Creation?

The pain points of Q&A creation are:

  • Hard Work
  • Running Out of Ideas
  • Getting the Right Tone
  • Limited Knowledge

Benefits of Using the Best AI Answer Generator

  • Improved Performance: Using an answer generator saves time, letting businesses focus on important tasks.
  • Lower Expenses: Save money with a question-and-answer generator, cutting costs for businesses.
  • Accuracy: Businesses can trust the best AI answer generator to give accurate and current information.
  • Assurance of Quality: This can ensure quality by using specific criteria.
  • Customization: The best AI answer generator lets businesses tailor Q&A to fit their needs and priorities.


Generators that quickly make Q&A on many topics. It’s a quick way to create content for quizzes or job interviews.

These eight best AI answer generators make creating questions and answers easy, saving you time and effort. If you want more generators, you can look for Homeworkify or Homeworkify alternatives for Q&A.


Which AI is best for answering questions?

LogicBalls, Editpad, Akkio, AIFreeBox, and ChatGPT are best for answering questions.

What AI can generate answers?

AIFreeBox is your AI writing assistant, creating accurate answers in seconds.

Is there a free AI that gives answers?

LogicBalls, Editpad, Akkio, Hypotenuse AI, AIFreeBox, ChatGPT, Rytr, and Copilot are free AIs that give answers.

What is the best AI text generator?

Scribe, an AI text generator, now creates content for blogs and marketing too.

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