Is ChatGPT Down Right Now (December 9, 2023 Guide)

is chatgpt down

Is ChatGPT down right now? Users of ChatGPT are getting error messages while using the bot. The company found a mistake and is working to resolve it soon. This was on 21st November when many users were facing this problem.

Now, we will talk about why this problem comes up again and again on ChatGPT and what to do next time this problem arises.

Is ChatGPT Down Today? (December 9, 2023)

No, ChatGPT is not down right now. The platform is working fine as of December 9, 2023—no issues with logging in, entering information, or creating content.

December 8, 2023

No issues.

December 7, 2023

Around 10% of all users had trouble sending messages to ChatGPT between 2:58 and 3:10. Team had fixed the main problem causing the issue.

December 6, 2023

Some ChatGPT calls with Vision had issues, and the team was looking into it. At 10:47 PST, they fixed the issue and were checking the outcome. At 10:58 PST, the issue was fixed.

December 5, 2023

No issues.

December 4, 2023

No issues.

December 3, 2023

No issues.

December 2, 2023

No issues.

December 1, 2023

At 09:52 PST, they were looking into a problem where recently bought API credits weren’t applying immediately. At 13:50 PST, they fixed it, and the purchased API credits showed up correctly.

November 30, 2023

No issues.

November 29, 2023

No issues.

November 28, 2023

Between 4:40 PM PT (Monday), Nov 27, and 5:50 AM PT (Tuesday), Nov 28, there was a surge in the “server_error” problem for chat models while streaming. At 11:59 PST, the issue was fixed.

November 27, 2023

No issues.

November 26, 2023

No issues.

November 25, 2023

No issues.

November 24, 2023

No issues.

November 23, 2023 (06:31 PST)

ChatGPT errors were higher than usual, and experts were investigating. At 06:37 PST, the problem was found and fixed. Experts were keeping an eye on things. At 07:46 PST

The problem was fixed.

November 22, 2023

No issues.

November 21, 2023 (14:09 PST)

Experts were dealing with more API errors and investigating the issue. 

At 14:14 PST, they found the problem and were working on a solution. 

At 15:29 PST, they have a problem with their database copies. Non-completion API and ChatGPT were somewhat affected, but completion API, including completions of chats, was only slightly affected.

At 16:33 PST, they were working on a solution and had updates coming to restore complete access.

At 17:30 PST, they were keeping a close eye to make sure users get full service. At 17:46 PST, the problem was fixed.

November 20, 2023

No issues.

November 19, 2023

No issues.

November 18, 2023

No issues.

November 17, 2023

No issues.

November 16, 2023

At 07:58 PST, they were having more problems with Labs and DALLE API errors and were working to fix the issue. At 09:05 PST, the problem was fixed.

At 11:16 PST, they were having issues with DaVinci-002 models, fine-tuned babbage-002,  Whisper, and TTS, which were causing slower performance. They were investigating the issue. At 12:37 PST, the problem was fixed.

Last 24 hours of OpenAI outages (November 23-24)

last 24 hours of openai outages

During the last 24 hours, there have been outages at OpenAI. This chart compares the number of issues reported in the last 24 hours to the usual volume reported at different times of the day.

Types of Messages You See When ChatGPT Is Down

What type of messages do you see when ChatGPT is down? Look at the images:

something wrong message when chatgpt is down

High traffic notification:

high traffic notification when chatgpt down

Why Is ChatGPT Down?

The major question is why ChatGPT is always down. Whenever there were sudden increases, the developers quickly responded and reduced them. Several reasons can cause more errors:

  • A developer bias
  • Error-training software
  • Information only available until 2021 is used by ChatGPT

Another reason ChatGPT has been down recently is because of delays. Users often faced slow responses, and the software frequently took a long time to answer basic questions.

Where Do You See the Status if ChatGPT Is Down?

The best way to know if OpenAI is down is to hear it directly from the source. Check the ChatGPT server status on their official page to see if there are any issues. This page shows you information on past outages, which is really useful. There have been no big problems lately, but the tool can still have issues.

Instead, it may have different issues. The main concern could be higher error rates.

Creating content that is 100% factual is challenging, so it’s okay to have a 5%-6% margin of error. If it goes up to 20% to 30%, it breaks the user experience. You begin to doubt whatever the software creates, so it becomes less trustworthy.

Other Ways to Check ChatGPT Is Down?

If the OpenAI status website isn’t working, don’t panic. On other pages, keep an eye on the ChatGPT tool and give regular updates. 

Downdetector is a website that shows if OpenAI is down or not. You also see a history of past issues, with details on when they happened and what caused them.

Get outage alerts by subscribing to the website. But Downdetector isn’t always reliable. It sometimes goes down on its own, stopping you from reviewing ChatGPT status.

What should you do here? You go to X. Visit the homepage, find the search option, and type “#OpenAI” or “#ChatGPT.” Probably, someone already shared an update.

Is ChatGPT Down Only for You?

You’d check the OpenAI server status to find out why the AI isn’t working. However, you like to see if everyone else is having issues with it. If either website says it’s down, you’ll understand it’s a widespread issue, and they’re fixing it.

Best Ways to Fix Issues if ChatGPT Is Down

So, what do you do in these cases? If ChatGPT isn’t working or the site is full of traffic, there are some tricks and other options, such as ChatGPT alternatives, you can try.

1. Open AI Background

use openai playground if chatgpt is down

Use Open AI Playground instead of ChatGPT if you see ChatGPT is down. You might also like how it’s different from ChatGPT. OpenAI Playground is simpler than ChatGPT but offers more customization options. Try various language models. It’s not better than ChatGPT since it runs on GPT-3, not the newer versions like GPT-3.5 or 4. But if you are not going to use ChatGPT, this is likely the next best option. To use Open AI Playground, just sign up on the official site, as you did for ChatGPT.

2. Use ChatGPT Alternatives

Consider checking out other good chatbots. Using a less popular chatbot reduces the chances of downtime compared to ChatGPT, which is widely used. We have compiled some alternatives and categorized them.

For example, to generate AI paragraphs, use Toolbaz. You can even generate a TikTok bio for Instagram captions for girls or boys using this tool.

To talk with a chatbot, use Character AI or Character AI alternatives. To paraphrase your content, use Quillbot or Quillbot alternatives.

They may not be as smart, but you can get information, something ChatGPT can’t accomplish.

3. Page Refresh

Not every issue needs a complicated fix. Just refresh the page to avoid the capacity message – it usually works.

Since many people use ChatGPT, there will be constant logins and logouts every second. Many people will log into their accounts every day, so sneaking in with a quick refresh is a great way to approach it.

But it doesn’t always work, so try other options too.

4. Clear Cache and Cookies

Try clearing your cache when ChatGPT is down. Instead, look for ChatGPT in incognito or private browsing for the same result. Both techniques will help you with this issue.

5. Switch Locations With a VPN

While OpenAI hasn’t officially stated that ChatGPT’s capacity varies by region, some people noticed the notification disappears when using a VPN.

This process hides your device’s location by changing its virtual address to make it seem like you’re connecting from a different place worldwide.

If capacity varies by region, using a VPN can really assist you. Additionally, if ChatGPT is having trouble sending data to the IP address due to an external reason, this helps.

Has the Rush Ended or Is It Just Beginning?

When ChatGPT was released, some users had to wait for days to use it. It has had some downtimes, including a planned shutdown. Now, it seems users are having trouble accessing the chatbot.

After 6 months of availability, fewer people are likely trying to log in just out of curiosity to explore what it is and how it works.

More people are trying different chatbots instead of ChatGPT because of this and some ChatGPT restriction issues. Matthew Bentley, a data analyst who uses ChatGPT prompts daily, mentioned a recent time when he couldn’t request any questions because ChatGPT wasn’t allowing it.

ChatGPT’s popularity and capacity will change over time.

Summing Up

To sum up, we have answered the question, “Is ChatGPT down?” issue. We also discuss why it happened and how to resolve this. There are some websites where you should check ChatGPT’s current status on different websites. You can use ChatGPT alternatives without interruption.


Is ChatGPT free to use?

ChatGPT is free for iOS and Android. The company supports the free ChatGPT in various ways.

How to use GPT?

Visit the OpenAI official site, then sign in or create an account. Enter your prompt in the “Message ChatGPT” box. After ChatGPT gives a response, copy and share it.

Is ChatGPT becoming worse?

GPT seems less accurate now. Even more troubling, there’s no clear reason for the troubling decline.

Is it worth paying for ChatGPT 4?

ChatGPT-4 is smarter and more accurate than ChatGPT-3.5, and it’s available for just $20/month with ChatGPT Plus. GPT-4, OpenAI’s strongest language model, has been accessible via subscription for months.

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