Google Bard vs ChatGPT: ChatGPT Can’t Do These 5 Things

ChatGPT Can’t Write After 2021


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ChatGPT was trained on a text and code dataset collected until 2021, while Google Bard can reference factual statements to the web search results

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Generate Images


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Google Bard can create stunning images from text descriptions, while ChatGPT can only use words to communicate.

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Write Songs


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Google Bard can compose original songs with lyrics and melodies, while ChatGPT can only generate text based on existing songs.

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Switch Modes


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Google Bard can switch between different modes of interaction, such as balanced, creative and precise, while ChatGPT can only use one mode.

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Perform Web Searches


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Google Bard can perform web searches and provide relevant information from the internet, while ChatGPT can only rely on its internal knowledge.

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