7 Ways to Protect Yourself from AI Risks

 By: Arman Hashmi

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly common in our lives. We use AI tools for everything from scheduling appointments to shopping for groceries. However, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with using AI tools.

1. Be aware of the potential risks

 AI tools can be hacked or used to spread misinformation. Be aware of the potential risks before using an AI tool.

2. Use reputable AI tools

There are many AI tools available, but not all of them are created equal. Use reputable AI tools that have been vetted by experts.

3. Read the terms and conditions

 Before using an AI tool, read the terms and conditions carefully. This will help you understand how your data is being used.

4. Be careful about what information you share

AI tools can learn from the data you share with them. Be careful about what information you share with AI tools, as this information could be used to track you or target you with ads.

5. Keep your software up to date

Software updates often include security patches that can help protect you from hackers. Keep your software up to date to protect yourself from potential attacks.

6. Use a VPN

A VPN can encrypt your traffic and protect your data from being intercepted by hackers.

7. Be skeptical of the results

 AI tools are not perfect. Be skeptical of the results that AI tools give you and do your own research to verify the information.